
The next issue of Q is our last. It’s out on Tuesday 28th July and it’s an Adventures With Legends 1986-2023 special, recounting our most illustrious meetings (and run-ins) with the stars.
Artists on the albums that shaped them.

Just in case 354 mind-blowing record suggestions in the new issue weren’t enough for you, here’s some more expert choices to dig into.

Q has teamed up with the good people at Yamaha to offer readers the chance to win a Yamaha DTX402 electronic drum kit, worth £500. The DTX402 is the culmination of the commitment Yamaha makes as a drum manufacturer with excellent design and sound quality. It comes with 10 built-in training functions that are only possible with an electronic drum and when combined with the dedicated free app it makes practicing more enjoyable, allowing the user to immerse themselves in the limitless excitement of drumming.
Unseen gems from our recent shoots.

Aussie singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett backstage at Brixton Academy, London, before her show in November 2018. An outtake from Q394, taken by Alex Lake.
Modern classics from the Q Magazine archive, reissued.

Naming their band The Murder Capital gave five friends from Dublin focus and succour in the midst of grief and turmoil. Now, the art-punkers are spreading that medicine out, one pulverised concert hall at a time. Chris Catchpole reports from the frontline.